Liposuction surgery is generally regarded as a very safe procedure but that doesn't guarantee that there is no such thing as liposuction side effects. Most of the problems are a result of improper post-surgery clean-up practice that could have been avoided. The good news is that the majority of these complications are temporary and non-lethal.
The most widely seen after effects of liposuction is the discoloration of the skin that gets formed when the damaged blood vessels during the procedure leaves behind a pool of blood beneath the skin that is not properly sucked out. These result in the formation of dark spots that are known as hematomas and seromas. A thorough drainage of the area can eliminate the scope for hematomas and seromas. However, the discoloration is temporary and may last for a period of few months to several years depending on the severity of damage caused.
Abnormality in skin cells is another outcome of a poorly done liposuction. When a number of fat cells are removed from a single area, it results in making the skin uneven and thick. The chances for the formation of this long-lasting side effect can be removed when the fat cells are eliminated over several sessions.
The swelling in the feet and ankles is another temporary side effect experienced after liposuction. The improper procedure followed in the removal of fluids can result in its accretion in the lower parts of the body, making it look scary, though temporary. The chances for the generation of this condition on account of the simple principle of gravity are more when areas like abdomen are attended to.
Other developments witnessed after liposuction come from the usage of anesthesia and other specific chemicals found in the solution. For example, epinephrine is known to have caused the elevation of heart rates during the surgery and for a few hours after, until the impact of the medication wears off. Generally, the doctors request the patients to abstain from caffeine or drugs that have epinephrine-like chemicals like cold medications a few days before the actual date of the procedure.
The negative reactions of liposuction can be reduced by a thorough drainage of the treated area. Today with laser liposuction adopting smaller tools covering small areas, the chances for side effects gets drastically minimized when compared to the traditional liposuction. - 30516
The most widely seen after effects of liposuction is the discoloration of the skin that gets formed when the damaged blood vessels during the procedure leaves behind a pool of blood beneath the skin that is not properly sucked out. These result in the formation of dark spots that are known as hematomas and seromas. A thorough drainage of the area can eliminate the scope for hematomas and seromas. However, the discoloration is temporary and may last for a period of few months to several years depending on the severity of damage caused.
Abnormality in skin cells is another outcome of a poorly done liposuction. When a number of fat cells are removed from a single area, it results in making the skin uneven and thick. The chances for the formation of this long-lasting side effect can be removed when the fat cells are eliminated over several sessions.
The swelling in the feet and ankles is another temporary side effect experienced after liposuction. The improper procedure followed in the removal of fluids can result in its accretion in the lower parts of the body, making it look scary, though temporary. The chances for the generation of this condition on account of the simple principle of gravity are more when areas like abdomen are attended to.
Other developments witnessed after liposuction come from the usage of anesthesia and other specific chemicals found in the solution. For example, epinephrine is known to have caused the elevation of heart rates during the surgery and for a few hours after, until the impact of the medication wears off. Generally, the doctors request the patients to abstain from caffeine or drugs that have epinephrine-like chemicals like cold medications a few days before the actual date of the procedure.
The negative reactions of liposuction can be reduced by a thorough drainage of the treated area. Today with laser liposuction adopting smaller tools covering small areas, the chances for side effects gets drastically minimized when compared to the traditional liposuction. - 30516
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Visit the Laser Liposuction website for more information about laser liposuction, tumescent liposuction or just liposuction in general.