Cosmetic Surgery or A Short Daily Exercise Routine - Which One Should You Choose to Get Rid of Double Chin Fat?

By Lenore Highstrom

For those of us with plenty of money to throw at anything our hearts desire, cosmetic surgery, liposuction, and a host of expensive and time consuming spa services are eagerly awaiting our decision to go for the fast solution to our aging sagging faces. However, not everyone has that kind of money necessary to do these types of procedures right, and even if we can afford it, we have to ask ourselves if surgery and or liposuction is really the right way to go.

We've all heard it takes as more muscles to frown than it does to smile, but when you look in the mirror and see a sagging lackluster face, it doesn't seem like there are fewer muscles needed to smile. So, what can you do if you want your face to shape up? Plenty of so-called experts will advise this product or that product - but can putting something onto your face really make any difference?

There are basically two camps for fixing your face - the hard core go to a plastic surgeon camp, and the strengthen and tone your facial muscles just like you can strengthen and tone any other muscle by exercising camp. The folks who opt for the strategies in the first camp typically have lots of money and even when really can't afford it, still proceed with that option because they want 'instant' results. The folks in the latter camp are usually more interested in long term results and may or may not have funds to go with the first camps choices. These folks research the alternatives available to them and opt for the prefer safer, more natural, and in the long-run more effective method of taking care of themselves.

Instant gratification, that's something we are all taught (by advertisers) to want and to expect. Cosmetic surgery has the benefit of giving almost immediate results (once we heal, and remove the bandages - that is.) Unfortunately, there's frequently a price to be paid for messing so drastically with whatever we were blessed with in our DNA. We've all seen the horrible images of surgeries-gone-bad that Paparazzi are only too thrilled to photograph of the unfortunate B and C list and occasional A list celebrity.

Truth be told, surgical procedures are effective, much of the time. Unfortunately, while there is no guarantee that it will work, as flawless surgery is often reserved for truly wealthy who can afford the most expensive plastic surgeons, who charge upwards of $10K and more every time they take their scalpel out. It's not for the likes of us regular folk.

Alternatively, you could just decide to approach the problem from the inside out. With only a few minutes a day and with a tiny financial investment (just enough to learn your routines) you can rebuild your face, your jaw line, and even your droopy eyelids by becoming a face-fitness fanatic.

Facial fitness is not a new concept. The yogi's have been practicing it for centuries. Professional singers have great facial musculature and high cheek bones even when they are overweight, simply because they are constantly giving their facial muscles a work-out. We unwittingly alter, shape and mold our faces with every frown, squint or yawn or twitch we do. The trick is to know exactly what to start doing on a regular basis to begin to alter our appearance in the direction we seek.

So, let's say you want to look into the whole face-fitness trend, where can you go? There are really only a few major experts and players currently marketing books, videos, and even on-line training programs. You'll want to probably take a look at all of their approaches to see which one fits your learning method and budget. But even the most expensive on-line training program will be a fraction of the cost of taking the surgery route. And once you learn the relatively simple techniques and routines, you won't have to go to the gym to work-out, you'll be able to get your face fit at home, while watching TV, while walking the dog...

If there's anything that doesn't make sense, it's why people are still paying so much for surgery that has a high chance of failure, rather than investing less money and more time into something that has a virtually 100% chance of working well. Who do you think has won the facial reconstruction battle? I know which side I'm barracking for. - 30516

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Liposuction Alternatives

By Jay Cindy

A number of liposuction alternatives exist that offer permanent removal of fat with fewer side effects and at lower prices. Other liposuction alternatives do not actually remove fat cells but tighten the skin to make it look firmer.

Liposuction is a major surgery that requires general anesthesia and time off work. Ten pounds of fat can be removed each session at a price tag ranging between $4,000 and $10,000. The fat cells are removed from the body by liquefying them and then literally sucking them out of the body. Swelling, pain and bruising are common side effects, which are the same for any surgery.

Two alternatives to liposuction actually remove fat cells from the body. Lipodissolve is one of them and mesotherapy is the other. Fat is literally dissolved by injecting a layer of fat with a solution that the body then flushes out on its own. Lipodissolve uses a detergent formula and mesotherapy uses an amino acid based formula. There is basically no recovery time for either method. Each treatment costs between $350 and $2000. As many as six treatments may be needed. What is not known about these methods is what happens to the fat cells after they have been dissolved. If the cells are not completely flushed form the body they may clog arteries or get stuck elsewhere which can cause its own set of problems. Another issue with is with the chemicals that are used in the injection. There has not been sufficient testing to determine where they go after the job is done.

Thermage is a new technique that does not take away fat cells but in fact tightens the skin, resulting in a weight-loss effect. A machine that creates a certain radio frequency is rubbed over an area of skin. It heats the collagen underneath it and as the collagen gets warm, the skin gets tighter. Of course, this method will not give permanent results but they are fairly long-term and they improve over time. With proper diet and the right exercise, the results can be made to last longer. It generally requires six to twelve session at around $400 to $700 each to achieve desired results.

Another low cost alternative to liposuction is the body wrap. Here again, fat cells are not removed but the body appears slimmer because of the tightening affect of the wraps and the reduction in water weight. This is an all-natural therapy that involved wrapping the body to promote reshaping and then soaking the wrap in minerals that draw out water and detoxify. There is technically no limit to the number of wraps that can be performed in a day and the more wraps done in a day the more striking the results. Each wrap costs between $50 and $100 and it will take approximately ten wraps to drop a dress size.

Proper exercise and a low calorie diet are the best liposuction alternatives. Slow weight loss requires a substantial amount of time and energy. Many people tend to get discouraged. Immediate results from weight loss treatments may motivate people to continue their weight loss efforts. Liposuction is quite costly and most people cannot all afford it. Besides, it is dangerous. Less enduring solutions can be obtained for much less money that look good quickly and may help inspire perseverance. - 30516

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Making The Decision: Is Liposuction a Better Choice than SmartLipo?

By William Patel

Liposuction has long been one of the most effective ways of drastic fat reduction. But more and more people recently have started opting for the quicker and relatively hassle-free Smart Lipo procedure in place of liposuction. Before you decide on one of the two procedures, it is important to understand the differences between the two and their applicability to different cases.

Liposuction removes fat by breaking down the adipose tissue through a back and forth movement of a long hollow tube, and sucking out the dissolved fat through small incisions made in the area under treatment. The cuts made in this treatment are larger than those created in Smart Lipo, and hence this method is preferred for those who need to remove fat from bigger body areas. In liposuction, general anaesthesia is administered and a days stay at the clinic is generally needed.

In Smart Lipo, laser is used instead of a tube to break down the fat in the affected body part. Non scalpel techniques are increasing being used in place of surgery. This is far more efficient, since the imprecision of human movement inevitably leads to bleeding and bruising of the area. Small areas from which fat needs to be removed, for instance, the chin, are ideal candidates for Smart Lipo, which only requires small incisions and guarantees quicker healing. After the conclusion of the Smart Lipo treatment, in which local anaesthesia is used, the patient can go home in about thirty minutes to an hour.

Liposuction and Smart Lipo both require a patient to be free from health problems such as diabetes, blood related diseases, skin problems and liver and heart malfunction. In any case, you must opt for these treatments only after a doctors approval.

Negligence in maintaining the new fat free body should not creep in after undergoing these treatments. You should work on your fitness by taking a healthier diet and engaging in regular physical activity; otherwise, you may soon find yourself in your pre-treatment shape. - 30516

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Aesthetic Clinic: Elements You Should Consider Before Getting Their Service

By Almario Rodriguez

To be beautiful and attractive is everyone's dream. It is but a human nature to desire to have an attractive appearance. For many, a good looking appearance corresponds to a good self-esteem or confidence. It makes people feel good when they know that they have pleasing appearance. Thus aesthetic treatment centre became popular in every country all over the world.

Quest of this dream however must come with great care. We should never compromise our safety for aesthetic purposes. As this treatment can certainly make anyone's life better, if handled in a wrong way however, it can cause more harm and troubles than any improvement at all.

The first step to getting any work done to your body is to choose first the appropriate aesthetic clinic. You can start this by asking for the personal referrals of the people around you. Personal references are good resource. Then after doing this, you can make your own research. The following are some of the points you can use as guide when you are making your research:

1. Determine the experience level of the professionals working on the clinic you are considering specially the doctor who will cover the procedure if ever you will get their service. How many treatments that are similar to your case have been executed in the clinic?

2. Search for any previous customers from the Aesthetic Clinic. Ask them about their personal experience and how they were handled by the people in that particular clinic. If you search online sometimes you can find reviews about the clinic. In doing this, you also need to be careful, as some people are a bit bias.

3. If possible, try to get an information about the injury rate of the clinic. A higher percentage of injury rate should make you think twice if you are going to get their service.

4. Try to get an information about the equipments they are using. Are these equipments the latest available in the market? - 30516

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Rhinoplasty Can Solve A Lot Of Your Self-esteem Problems

By Adriana Noton

We are all born different and have different personalities and physical characteristics. Some are lucky and have perfectly symmetrical features. Many of us are fairly ordinary, and have one or two features that we dislike. Many people hate the shape or size of their nose. If this is you, and it really is a big problem in your life, you may want to consider rhinoplasty.

To make you feel better about yourself, people may say that a large nose adds character and makes you unique. The problem is that every celebrity and movie star you see has a small or straight nose that looks great and makes them attractive. Unfortunately this only makes you hate your nose even more.

Your every waking thought is about your nose ' how to hide it ' how to avoid people seeing your profile ' in fact it's an obsession. Everybody you see seems to have a smaller nose than you. You finally pluck up the courage to talk to your family about rhinoplasty.

If your family can understand why you lack confidence and are so unhappy, they should be sympathetic and understanding. Reassure them by explaining how common this procedure is and exactly what it involves. The next step is to make an appointment with a plastic surgeon.

The surgeon will take photographs of your nose and explain what changes can be made during the procedure. He or she will tell with you and your family about what the surgery entails. The cost of the surgery as well as the recovery period will also be explained.

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common male cosmetic surgery performed today. It can be done in an outpatient surgery, or in a hospital. You will either be under local or general anesthesia, depending on your surgeon who does your nose surgery.

Local anesthesia is often used during rhinoplasty. The process is quick and almost painless. But you will still need to recover fully before going home to make sure that no hemorrhaging occurs. If the surgeon wants to use general anesthetic you will be put to sleep properly for duration of the surgery.

Plastic surgery of the nose begins with the surgeon making an opening across the skin that separates your nostrils. The cartilage and bone of your nose will then be sculpted to create the desired shape. Scarring is minimal.

Your nose will look bruised and swollen, and your eyes will be puffy, for some time after the operation. You need to follow the surgeon's advice regarding swelling, and take medication. You will also need to go for one or two follow-up appointments to check that your nose is healing correctly.

It is important not to blow your nose during the first week of your operation because you might injure your healing nose. Within about 10 days the stitches will be removed and the bruising should almost be gone. Your nose will still be slightly swollen for some time.

Rhinoplasty can make a big difference in your self-esteem and give a good self-image. The money you spent will be worth every cent. You will feel a new found confidence and be a lot more sociable. As they say, 'it is still you, but just a better you'. - 30516

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The Danger Of Cosmetic Surgery Complications

By Jenny Hoffman

When talking about cosmetic surgery, people are wanting to change their apperance. You might be wanting to change a bit about your appearance for many reasons. Perhaps you have an illness or an injury that has made you look differently than you'd like, or perhaps you are just not happy with the way that you look. Either way you are looking to change how you look, and no matter what type of surgery you have done there are always things that could go wrong. In fact there is always going to be a risk of cosmetic surgery complications that you will have to deal with.

What Kind Might There Be?

There are many different types of cosmetic surgery complications that you might find as you begin your process. First of all, the major thing that goes wrong is that whatever you get done simply doesn't end up looking the way that you want it to. Basically, doing cosmetic surgery means taking the way that you are now and altering that so that you look differently. When this happens, there are many cosmetic surgery complications that could also happen because it is simply a matter of trying to make you look the way that you want - which might be different than what a doctor thinks they can do for you.

Surgical Complications

Besides for simply not turning out how you want, there are other things that could go wrong. First of all, you might find that you have a reaction to the medications that are used to put you under. Like any surgery, this is a big cosmetic surgery complication that might happen. The biggest problem that this presents is that if you are getting cosmetic surgery, and there are cosmetic surgery complications that happen with whatever drugs they use to put you under, they might not have the right kind of equipment at the clinic that is needed to help you. That is why if you can have your surgery done at a real hospital, you are going to be able to know that most of the cosmetic surgery complications are not going to be life threatening to you.

Remember that just like any other surgery, cosmetic surgery complications do happen, and they might happen to you. This is why it is so important to have an open line of communication with your doctor, and to be sure that you are talking about each possibility before it becomes reality. - 30516

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Discover About Breast Enhancement Surgery

By Jim Antonio

An increasingly popular form of plastic surgery is breast enhancement; as many women seek to achieve that body beautiful look. Of course, there are a host of other reasons for such procedures; be it to boost self esteem and confidence, or following accident or illness. Whatever the reason however, it is important to understand exactly what is involved.

As with any form of procedure, breast enhancement surgery carries a certain amount of risk factors. High on this list of course regards administration of the anesthetic however, with infections always a possibility and human errors possible, it is not a decision to be entered lightly.

Though human error and incompetence does occur though; these are at very low levels, and risk of this can be minimized and all but obliterated by selecting a responsible and recommended surgery team. It is always good to have a recommendation of course, but patients need to do their own questioning too.

Having made a decision to go with a certain team, it is necessary to dedicate a good portion of time to discussing everything involved. A reputable surgeon will invite patients in to explain all details. This is an intimate discussion of course, so this needs to be fully understood too.

During these sessions, patients will have the opportunity to ask any and all questions; and this is something that should be done. Included in this will be the chance to ask about any complications a surgeon has had to deal with. Though the surgeon is the expert, it is important that the patient is 100 percent happy with these discussions, and understands they can walk away at any point.

Possibly the most important thing to understand about having breasts enhanced is to remain realistic. All too often, women face ongoing difficulties having gone up to a size that simply doesn't suit their frame. It is also important to understand that such procedures will need to be repeated from time to time, and addiction to procedures is a recognized issue.

Once a decision has been made to undergo breast enhancement surgery, and once completed, there needs to be an extended period of time where the patient's will be monitored. This will be done by the clinic of course; but self examination and so forth will also be required. This should last for no less than four or six weeks as scars heal, tissue repairs, and bruising alleviates.

Though breast enhancement surgery is increasingly safe and successful, there are alternatives out there. Often, problems are caused by nothing more than wearing the wrong bra. Each and every woman should have a professional bra fitting regularly and, certainly following bouts of illness, pregnancy and other changes in life.

A regular bra can also be complimented with silicone enhancers; that give shape, size and definition. These often just slip in between the breast and the bra itself, or can be fully inserted to the bra lining. Many surgeons recommend using these as a precursor to surgery too; allowing for a good estimation of appropriate size required.

Of course, there are more permanent breast enhancement options available. Many have found success with herbal supplements and creams for example. Whichever is the preferred route however, it is only sensible that consultation with a doctor is sought before any period of help is taken. - 30516

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What Is A Boil - What Causes Boils

By Linda Robison

Do you know what a Boil is? It's a pretty serious localized infection that looks like a pimple with a raised whitehead in the center. This whitehead is really a combination of white blood cell, protein, and bacteria.

Treating boils can be difficult because they are contagious and can spread very easily to other parts of the body. Plus, they can become infected and then you'll need antibiotics to treat it.

What Causes Boils - There are many causes of boils, however, the most common causes include: - A clogged sweat gland or ingrown hair - A splinter lodged just under the skin - A cut or scrap that has become infected

Boil Symptoms

Boils can form on areas of the body where the clothes rub against the skin or body parts rub against each other - like in the groin, underarm, inner thighs, and buttocks. Boils look like a raised red pimple with a white/yellow center. After a while the boil will become hard and sensitive to the touch. It can also become itchy and painful too. Click here to see Pictures of Boils.

Natural Home Remedies Boils

You should never delay a boil treatment because complications can set in and boils can spread to other parts of the skin causing even more boils to form. Delaying treatment can also cause an infection to set in. There are some natural remedies you can try including using garlic and turmeric compress.

To make these compresses just crush the juice from one garlic clove and apply to the boil head and cover with a band-aid. Or mix a small amount of turmeric powder with water and make a paste and apply to the boil and cover it. Leave the compresses on until the boil becomes soft and can be wiped away with a wash cloth.

Boil Treatment

If the above natural treatments don't work for you, consider using a homeopathic spray that is clean, non-messy and starts to work in as little as 24 hours. Click here for more information on a simple Treatment for Boils. - 30516

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The Way To Get A Gorgeous Look By The Assist Of Plastic Surgery

By Tina L. Jones

Nowadays, many people are sad with some aspects of look and hope that if might modify them. Apart from this, time too has its impact on appearance, like wrinkles, dark spots etc as get older with time, human body begins to degenerate gradually and change the way their look. Some would really like to reverse this effect and fortunately, nowadays it's possible to do so with the assistance of cosmetic and plastic surgery.

Cosmetic and cosmetic surgery comprises of a range of surgical procedures that changes one physical look and turn it more pleasing than before. Aesthetic cosmetic surgery will be performed on many parts of our body. The outcome and risks of plastic surgery differ from person to person. So, before going for it, we should understand the risks concerned in this surgery. We ought to consult a good plastic surgeon and ask for details before deciding to undergo surgery. Among the many kinds of plastic or cosmetic surgeries, eyelid surgery, nose surgery and laser surgery are becoming gradually more popular these days.

Belpharoplasty is the medical term for eyelid surgery, the fat and the extra skin and muscles of our body are removed from the upper and lower eyelids in this surgery. It's principally a corrective surgery for sagging upper eyelids and baggy eyelids. Dropping eyelids and bags below the eye make us look a lot more older and tired, and also might have an effect on our eyesight. However one important thing of this surgery is that this procedure does not take away wrinkles around the eye or the dark circles under our eyes. Eyelid surgery cannot be used to get rid of ethnically and racially distinct eye patterns, but can be done along with other facial procedures.

Likewise, the 'nose plastic surgery' is the procedure to redesign your nose, is most popular among all other cosmetic surgery practices as mentioned before. Rhinoplasty or nose surgery can reduce or enhance the size of our nose, alter the shape of the tip or the bridge, thin the span of the nostrils, or modify the angle between our nose and our upper lip. Even our birth defect or any kind of injury scar will be done wonderful as well through nose surgery.

Nowadays, many individuals are falling prey to stretch marks. But stretch mark is not an ailment, it has become cause of concern as it stands in the way of gorgeous look. These days, as we all are becoming so conscious about our looks, stretch marks tends to diminish our confidence level.

Therefore, individuals are resorting to laser surgery as the best means to treat stretch marks. There is also a plethora of treatments out there for getting rid of our stretch marks like various types of creams and ointments. However as we invariably wish quick treatments that can give us magical results immediately hence, we would favor laser surgery to treat our stretch marks instead of using any cream or ointments. Laser surgery is an exclusive choice in comparison to other procedure including the home remedies. Though it does not guarantee success, but the success rate is certainly on a higher level. In many cases, laser surgery has been able to cure stretch marks efficiently.

But always bear in mind, each cosmetic surgery involves certain regular risks, like in eyelid surgery infection, dry eye problems, bleeding, blindness and damage to nerves, blood vessels and muscles within are just a few complications that can occur when the surgery is done. - 30516

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Great Ways To Treat Baldness

By Alex Bristo

In this society hair is an important part of a person's appearance and so hair loss or balding is something that should be taken seriously. This culture also values youth and people with bald spots or thinning hair are usually thought to be ten to fifteen years older than they really are. This can mean you lose in areas from love to business. If you are experiencing hair problems you deserve to know what to do to treat it. This article will tell you a little about the causes and give you some good remedies.

Whilst hair-loss may be very frequently a genetic feature, your baldness may have come from any one of your parents or grandparents. New medical science has found that baldness producing genes may in reality be inherited from both sides of the family tree, plus that they could affect hair loss in women as well as men. The hair loss genes may be absolutely random in ruling who that they could strike and may perhaps also miss out entire generations. These genes can also take extremely diverse results on members in the same family line.

Though medical hair restoration is the only life-long, and also the most successful, option to treat baldness, there are a selection of new hair loss products that may be useful in your struggle versus baldness. Normally, medical hair transplantation will involve uprooting and replanting hairs and the follicles from one specific part of the scalp and skillfully placing them in the bald spots. A lot of people have discovered there are a few rewards of hair restoration over hair growth vitamins and other treatments.

A few persons, who use drastically restricted diets that can have little nutrients values, or have seriously bizarre diet habits, may get protein deficiency which could lead to baldness. When this happens,the body will try to conserve essential protein by restricting hair production. A single massive hair shedding could come about two months afterward. The hair may then be pulled out at the follicles quite easily, merely by normal brushing. This radical hair loss may be completely reversed and the hair loss stopped by being sure to eat an adequate quantity of essential protein and when you are on a diet remembering to have adequate protein.

Naturopathic doctors report that beneficial results from hair loss treatments can be boosted if herbs like nettle and saw palmetto are used as well as these choices. Despite the fact that many remedies for genetic hair loss are topical, saw palmetto or nettle handle baldness from the inside out by dropping the production of particular hormones which have been proved to be a central culprit of this predicament. This dual therapy has proved to be a very effective mixture in overcoming genetic hair loss.

What is now the advanced stance on efficient methods to reverse thinning hair? There are right now a handful of hair growth products that have been especially formulated for men, and also for women; to remedy genetic hair loss that have been found to be effectual both in blocking the damaging hormones (DHT blocker) and even bringing back to life the vital dead hair roots. These specially made remedies could be utlized both as a hair loss prevention product, to start using before hair-loss gets severe, or else after genetic hair loss is becoming noticeable. So, however slight the level of hair-loss you are noticing, this type of treatment could be just what is necessary to overthrow this common life challenge.

By lowering the creation of specific detrimental hormones, the herb saw palmetto is showing in research to be efficient for the prevention of men's hair shedding. This herb may be able to get some hair back onto masculine heads. Some studies have exposed it to be equally as valuable as the current celebrated brand Propecia. This aspect of saw palmetto was discovered by men prescribed this herb for prostate issues who then started noticing a re-growth of healthy hair on their heads. Shampoos and lotions made with the herb saw palmetto are already available to buy from health food stores as well as online. You can now even get the herb saw palmetto as a natural supplement. The normal dosage for a man will be 300 to 500 mg per day. This has been proved in research to be completely safe for extended use.

Today, a receding hairline may be a challenge to men and women both. This may well come as a shock, however hair-loss in the female population is not really as rare as most people might think. The fact of the matter is, that women do experience genetic hair loss, but they may possibly not know it until later in life when the thinning finally gets noticeable. Just like for men, genetic hair loss for women sneeks up slowly.

If females have hair-loss, it could be because of a horrible condition well-known as "androgenetic alopecia". Some other triggers of baldness in females include, excessive stress, birth control pills, and hormonal imbalance. Despite being distressing, thinning hair due to these triggers will habitually only remain for up to one year. Soon after giving birth, a woman may well also have hair loss, and so many women could be really surprised if it happens to them, however they could be comforted by learning that it is not usually permanent.

Now, hair implants in the US usually cost somewhere between $4,000 and $18,000 depending on the area that needs to be transplanted as well as the expertise of your surgeon. Some other factors may be involved. However the hair restoration price should stay a one time expenditure and usually no extra costs should be charged for including medications, consultations and followup visits. A few specialists will have a fixed fee, not actually basing it upon the actual number of strands of hair or follicles transplanted; alternatively they reckon the costs upon the measurement of the transplant location.

Hair pieces now are not like your old grandad's toupee. Every single hair is one by one injected into a base instead of being tied. No knots or slings gives the illusion of the hair in fact growing from your scalp. These lace systems have been made for the past 50 years but they were really only within the the budgets of all the very wealthy. If you have been shopping for hair systems for any length of time, you have already most likely known of them as the form that television and movie stars as in Burt Reynolds, Sean Connery and William Shatner have been wearing for several years. Although these hair systems have just in recent times been more commonly accessible to the typical hair replacement system user.

This has been a complete review of the different hair loss methods available today. All of them can be effective in the right circumstances. Your job will be to research and find out which one you really think will be right for you and then use it to get your hair growing on your head again. Good luck. - 30516

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Plastic Surgery Clinic In San Diego

By Zach Jacobs

Having plastic surgery nowadays is getting trendy, not only for women but to men as well. From nose jobs, to face lifts, and breast augmentation to name a few, women undergo to this operation. Women have different why they are having breast augmentation. But the bottom line of it all is that they want to be more beautiful and the San Diego Plastic Surgery Clinic is of help in achieving your desired goal.

Career women, especially after giving birth who wants to get back to their work immediately are the ones who undergoes in this kind of operation. We have to admit that looks help career women achieve what they desire in their work. And because the San Diego Plastic Surgery Clinic is the best in the neighborhood, they are commonly spotted there.

For example, a woman who's line of work is in real estate. They are the ones accompanying the prospected buyer to look for properties around town. And to be considered as a professional and competent, looks is very important. The way they carry themselves in front of the client is the main key to their success in dealing business.

When choosing the right plastic surgeon for you, you should look for someone who is firm on discussing all the necessary options for the operation. Sometimes, there are patients who have qualms and don't really know what they want. A good surgeon provides you with specific details, giving you a wide range of ideas, making you understand about the procedures he or she will perform on you.

If you are considering having breast augmentation, it is very vital that you ask advice from people you know who have gone through with the same surgery. You have to accept the minor side effects of the procedure and also, if the surgery didn't went well like what you are expecting, do not panic but ask your surgeon for alternative solution. Not all surgery went perfectly, others undergoes again for a series of surgery to fix the severe effects from the previous operation.

Make sure also that you bring necessary papers regarding your medical history to your plastic surgeon to check if complications might arise during and after operation or surgery. In this way, certain measures can be avoided.

Ask your plastic surgeon for effects that may arise after the operation. Inquire about options that you have if you develop side effects from the surgery. Be keen on the dos and don'ts list and instructions given to you by your plastic surgeon.

After the operation, take very good care of yourself. It pays to be cautious and alert to one's body. - 30516

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Medical Tourism - Winning Over High Medical Costs In First World Countries

By Jason Ming

It is a sad reality of our time that, notwithstanding huge advances in medical and dental technology, many of those life saving or enhancing procedures are beyond the average man financially. The reasons for this are complex and unlikely to change meaning that the situation is likely to worsen as time passes. It is possible, however, to have expensive treatments carried out at greatly reduced rates by considering the medical tourism phenomenon.

Simply put, medical tourism is the global trend of travelling to foreign shores to get medical care at reduced rates or to capitalize on medical skills or procedures not available at home. Listed below are just a few of the world locations that are becoming ever more popular for their affordable, fast and excellent medical treatment.

Mexico has seen a huge amount of development in the area of medicine and in particular medical facilities. Some of Mexico's new hospitals and clinics are world class, state-of-the-art facilities and many Mexican doctors have more experience in certain procedures, particularly those that are more new and ground breaking, than their American counterparts.

Some of the main reasons for Mexico's popularity as a destination for medical care are the comparatively low costs and the almost non-existent waiting periods for those treatments. Patients can be treated on the day after their arrival at approximately a tenth of the cost. For instance a heart valve replacement in Mexico would cost approximately $15, 000.00. The same procedure in the US would set the patient back $150, 000.00.

Staying in South America, Costa Rica is another prime medical tourism destination known for its cost effective and top class treatments. If it's a face lift you're after then this is perhaps one of the best places to consider. The price in Costa Rica is a scant $3,000. Impressive when you consider the same operation in the US will put you back in the region of $7,000 to $15,000!

Costa Rica's extensive network of world class specialist surgeons use the latest technology in cutting edge facilities to deliver some of the worlds best plastic surgery services. A face lift in Cost Rica costs around $3,000.00 where the same operation in America would cost $7,000.00 - $15, 000.00. Post-operative care is excellent and the country offers the added bonus of excellent general tourism for recovering patients.

Now over to Asia. India counts as one of the most promising new medical tourism destinations and is working hard to build that reputation. Boasting some of the worlds best cancer treatment, neuro and cardiac surgery and organ transplant facilities, India is an excellent choice for offshore medical treatment.

Recently a complex heart operation was carried out at April Madras Medical Mission in Chennai at a total cost (including a month's post operative care) of $8,000.00. A less complex operation elsewhere would have cost $40,000.00. Indian facilities even offer expert tele-consultancies for those interested in using the countries facilities for treatments.

At a time where so many people have to pass up live saving and life enhancing medical procedures because of the exorbitant cost of these treatments, medical tourism is a welcome and much needed blessing that is making world class medical care an affordable reality. - 30516

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Does My Health Insurance Cover Laser Liposuction?

By Lawrence Parks

It seems that our society has decided to disregard important topics such as healthcare and instead focus in on our obsession with beauty. While we believe that people should become and remain fit so they can prolong their lives, it seems as if our society is fixated on a person's appearance, which is driving more and more people to undergo liposuction. To address this issue, we will discuss the subject of laser liposuction costs.

You may be wondering why we are discussing this topic; doesn't health insurance cover laser liposuction? Unfortunately, since liposuction is often considered an elective surgical procedure, the majority of insurance companies will not cover it. If you want to have this procedure, you will most likely need to pay for it out of your pocket.

Of course, there are always exceptions. When it comes to cosmetic surgery, if the surgeon feels that the procedure is medically necessary, then the insurance company may pay for it. As a note of caution, please do not pressure your doctor to mis-categorize this surgery; if they do, both you and the surgeon will have committed medical fraud.

Now that we know who will have to pay for it, what exactly is laser liposuction? This cosmetic surgery procedure uses a laser to melt your hard to remove fatty deposits. Then the surgeon will remove the fat deposits via a very small incision.

Since the surgeon make a small 2 millimeter incision, laser liposuction patients are less likely to experience severe scarring or pain. Also, since the surgeon uses a local anesthetic, it usually requires a patient only 48 hours to recover.

One of the disadvantages of laser liposuction is that it can only be used on limited body areas. These body parts include the neck, face, and arms.

Laser liposuction will usually cost in the range of $3K to $14K. It is very difficult to identify a definitive cost due to the numerous aspects. In order to get a more accurate cost, you should schedule a consultation with a liposuction surgeon.

While laser liposuction can quickly produce enviable results, it can very easily get expensive. Therefore, we recommend you contact your surgeon's office to determine if they offer cosmetic surgery financing. - 30516

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Feeling Heat with Laser Liposuction

By Jay Cindy

Laser liposuction has earned accolades, or at least conveyed the impression, that it is simple business. You can undergo the procedure with local anesthesia, and then reap the benefits you hoped to reap with the procedure (lost fat, tighter and smoother skin, and others) and get back to your life, as you know it the same day.

No surgery comes risk free. In addition, while it sounds like a simple zap and done, laser liposuction-as numerous medical observers and practitioners like to remind us-is surgery. It has its own kind of risks as a member of the suction-oriented surgical family, but the laser itself adds a few more to the picture no matter how simple the operation seems.

"Most people of course do perceive it to be the very easy," writes Florida therapist Caroline Bourke, "and this kind of thinking has allowed some doctors to offer their (often untrained) services to people looking for a quick fix to their fat related problems. This in fact is one of the biggest laser liposuction risks that you must be aware about and then you need to ensure that you do not fall into such traps."

"Most people of course do perceive it to be the very easy," writes Florida therapist Caroline Bourke, "and this kind of thinking has allowed some doctors to offer their (often untrained) services to people looking for a quick fix to their fat related problems. This in fact is one of the biggest laser liposuction risks that you must be aware about and then you need to ensure that you do not fall into such traps."

"Lipo sculpture with or without the laser is a surgical procedure," writes Dr. Brooke Seckel, a Massachusetts plastic surgeon who specializes in facial aging correction, "and as with heart surgery, brain surgery or any other type of surgery, if I am having surgery I am going to do my homework and find the best board certified surgeon I can find to perform my operation . . . If you are considering any type of plastic surgery do your homework. Read more about the procedure you are interested in. Study the bio and credentials of the board certified plastic surgeons in your area. Be an informed consumer."

That said, some of the risks otherwise include loose skin. It is thought to be the major impediment to surgical fat removal, with older patients in particular, but it is also thought to be uncommon with laser liposuction. Unless the procedure is performed by an inexperienced or technically weak practitioner.

The heat element used in the procedure carries a risk, too. It may be laser liposuction's major advance, but if it is used too aggressively or too carelessly, or if the heat fiber conducting the laser is too close to the skin, the risks of burns, damaged, or lost skin rise accordingly

In laser liposuction, the fiber is also placed just beneath the skin, opening a risk of infection. Thus, as with any surgical procedure, sterile conditions and antibiotic support are critical. Laser liposuction also carries a lesser bleeding risk than standard liposuction, but the risk remains nevertheless. In addition, the common liposuction anesthetic, lidocaine, is risky if administered improperly or excessively. Therefore, your need to investigate and settle on only a well-trained, well-experienced surgeon for laser liposuction is just as important as it is for any surgery you may require. - 30516

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How Is Plastic Surgery Be Able To Make You Become More Good-looking

By Francis K Githinji

Though cosmetic surgery is a expensive procedure, however it's gaining popularity at a fast pace nowadays. The majority of the cosmetic surgery procedures, that were originally very expensive, are now well within the reach of the people. However before you passionately run to a plastic surgeon to undergo the much awaited plastic surgery, you must make some necessary considerations.

One of the most vital concerns that you must observe before undergoing for cosmetic enhancement is that do you really need the surgery. Do you think that once undertaking this surgery, you will get any major improvements in your personal or professional life and will obtain a brand new look? You should always keep in mind like every other surgery, cosmetic enhancement also involves its own unique set of risks. Hence, first ask yourself if the surgery is really compulsory for you, and the end-outcome you expect to obtain by undertaking this surgical treatment.

In order to bring about changes to the outline of the body, rather than making changes to their attitude, wardrobe, or lifestyle, people who can afford plastic surgery easily will undoubtedly opt for it. There are very few people who really care to consider the risks associated with cosmetic surgery, for example: the chance of premature wrinkling, or ugly stretch marks after weight loss etc. It is also a known fact that other than the chance of contacting infections, cosmetic surgery involves the risk of excessive blood loss.

It is sad to mention, however the risks associated with cosmetic surgery are many. Above all, a horrifying reality could be that the result of your cosmetic surgery procedure might not be as good as you expected it to be. Though considerably plastic surgery can enhance your look, a botched-up surgery that leaves scars, can do just the opposite to it. Think about all these things before you decide to go ahead with a cosmetic surgery. It's always wise to find alternative non-invasive or less-invasive methods to enhance your appearance and choose them than going for surgery.

Before going for the surgery, talks to your surgeon as he can give you a realistic picture about the surgery. In order to assist you decide if the surgery is worth for you, look at the before-surgery and after-surgery pictures of other patients. Always keep in mind that the consequences of the surgery might not be visible immediately - it might take weeks or perhaps a couple of months because healing is a slow process to determine any visible improvement into your body. - 30516

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Thermage Treatment - The Safe, Easy Way To A Sleek Youthful Appearance

By Charles Brown

Thermage, an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure, helps you regain a tight and attractive skin without going through surgery. The procedure, which was introduced in 2002 and was initially meant for tightening of facial tissues, has an FDA approval for cosmetic treatment of other body parts as well. More and more people are now choosing Thermage over plastic surgery, which not only costs more, but also creates more hassles.

The secret behind the success of Thermage is the stimulation of collagen present in the inner layer of the skin by exposing it to radio frequency waves. Advanced technologies will be increasingly seen cosmetic surgery, replacing the scalpel. Radio waves create heat, which in turn produces fresh collagen under the skin. The new collagen gives the skin tautness, which is the key to a younger look. A cooling tool called ThermaTip, protects the skin's outer surface from the heat generated by the procedure.

Many sagging parts of the body can be easily toned and brought into shape by Body Thermage. The procedure is frequently applied to skin on the thighs and upper arms, two notoriously difficult areas to treat. New mothers have also found Thermage to be of great use in getting rid of the sagging skin and regaining a firmer and younger look. New mothers who are trying to remove post pregnancy stretch marks are also increasingly going for Body Thermage.

Thermage often does not lead to any negative side effects. It is safe, with no serious problems have been reported so far. A few cases have been observed where the patients report mildly blistered skin or redness, which disappears in less than 10 days.

After going through a Thermage treatment, the skin continues to improve for a few weeks and the effect lasts for years, which makes it a cost-effective, hassle-free and safe method for regaining youthful looks. - 30516

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The Ideal Candidate for Tumescent Liposuction

By Jay Cindy

Unfavorable body image has forged many people to research plastic surgery in order to avoid the fatty deposits that show up on their skin as cellulite. What most also are avoiding with this quick fix is the habit of practicing good health. Most surgeons agree, the ideal candidate for tumescent liposuction surgery is the one who does not avoid good health practices. This person may be slightly overweight by 10 to 20 pounds, but eats well and in general, is physically fit. Some even have a genetic makeup that makes them more susceptible to cellulite.

The technique for tumescent liposuction allows the patient to really see the appearance and condition of the body before a procedure takes place. It also helps the patient to see exactly what the intentions of the physician are and what where the incisions will be placed.

After agreeing to the surgery in writing, the patient is able to see through photographs of the pre-surgery body and the topographical map that the doctor draws on the body where all the insertions will occur. The pen used to draw on the skin is sterile, and it is used after the body has been disinfected with a sterile solution. After the patient sees his "map," he is then asked to relax on sterile towels and a physician will administer a local anesthetic.

Compared to traditional liposuction, tumescent liposuction has some advantages that do not make this procedure as life threatening. It has become the preferred process for liposuction since the 1990s primarily because it prevents patients from losing too much blood. Additional benefits include the fact that IV fluids are no longer needed and lidocaine, a topical anesthetic, makes it less likely an infection will occur.

Some have expressed a fear of having to have a follow-up procedure if the results of the first procedure show some irregularities in the skin or body. Tumescent liposuction lessens the likelihood that a second surgery will be needed. Tumescence tends to magnify defects, so physicians are able to more clearly see them and make a significant alteration during initial surgeries.

Although tumescent liposuction does deliver some relief in the appearance of cellulite, surgery candidates should know that the cellulite does not altogether disappear. The procedure is designed for those who are only 10 to 20 pounds overweight and may not make any real change to those who are obese. In fact, most surgeons refuse to perform the surgery for those whom it will not benefit.

Some have used the procedure as weight control or to fix a quick bulge. Physicians and medical experts frown on this trend. Health diets and a consistent physical regimen are always the best weight management solutions. One of the things that helps post-op patients get a head start on maintaining weight is that they generally experience appetite suppression for a time after the procedure is done. When hunger returns to normal, patients will have to be very committed to making better health choices in order to keep the positive effects of the surgery.

Tumescent liposuction is not the right solution for everyone who wants to get rid of cellulite and get smooth looking skin. It is the best solution for those who already have a healthy mindset but need a little push losing the last bit of the bulge. - 30516

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Ultrasonic Liposuction Unsound?

By Jay Cindy

It sounded immaculately appealing at first: ultrasonic energy applied to fat in order to perform "negative-energy" liposuction. For those looking to trim the fat surgically, this sounded ideal. It may have sounded too ideal.

"[A]t this time ultrasonic-assisted liposuction has some drawbacks which do not appear to be outweighed by the benefits . . . The energy which is applied has caused some undesirable side effects, including burns and other trauma on the skin and elsewhere," University of Chicago dermatologist Dr. Jeffrey Melton has written. "Therefore, the use of ultrasound in liposuction remains somewhat controversial . . . Perhaps lasers, ultrasound, or some other advance will bring about the third major advance in liposuction, whatever it may be, but I do not think we are there yet, at least not with ultrasonic liposuction in its current forms."

Ultrasonic liposuction was taken up first in Europe in the 1990s, but the procedures became controversial enough thanks mostly to complications such as safety risks and medical complications, particularly with internal ultrasonic liposuction devices. Those became widespread enough that Europeans gave it up in short order, while North American acceptance was hampered when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration refused to approve internal ultrasonic liposuction devices.

Described simply, ultrasonic liposuction involves electric energy turned to rapid ultrasonic vibrations and heat, sent through a thin metal reed-like rod (cannula) or a paddle-like device to break fat apart. However, the procedures' safety has proven the main reason why the technique fell out of favor almost as fast as initial supporters took it up. The complications have included dermal necrosis, postoperative seromas (fluid-filled cavities beneath the skin), and foam blisters. Several medical surveys finally determined the procedures were not as safe as tumescent liposuction.

The internal procedure sends ultrasound right to the fat cells through a skin incision, while the external procedure involved laying a paddle instrument on the skin above the areas in question. Aside from the European experience and the American disapproval of internal ultrasonic liposuction, the internal procedure proved to have questionable to no benefit and fell out of use more rapidly.

Aside from the problems discussed above, ultrasonic liposuction was known to cause blood clots in small blood vessels; and, peripheral nerve damage, especially when used on the arms, legs, neck, and face;

Ultrasonic liposuction was also known to cause blood clots in small blood vessels; and, peripheral nerve damage, especially when used on the arms, legs, neck, and face.

Some medical thinkers such as Dr. Jeffrey Melton, a University of Chicago dermatologist, believe ultrasonic liposuction may yet be improved to the point where it becomes a viable procedure with reduced risks. - 30516

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Where to Look For Cheap Plastic Surgery

By Jen Marion

Anyone looking for low cost plastic surgery has a variety of options to choose from. One of the ways to lower costs is by changing where the procedure will be performed. Places like academic institutions will offer procedures at a discount because it is performed by a resident with quality supervision. Other people like to travel abroad to a foreign country for the procedure. While there always risks, being aware of the truth is the key to a safe and enjoyable surgical procedure.

While it might sound risky, and we strongly believe in safe practices, it does depend on the procedure. Small procedures that cannot cause long term or excessive harm can be performed by residents of a teaching hospital for a fraction of the standard cost. These residents are overseen by a certified and experienced surgeon so the risks are minimal.

Many people choose to travel to a foreign country to take advantage of cheaper medical costs or the exchange rate differences. Either way, there are safe ways to do this despite the horror stories. The best way is by using referrals of close friends and family who personally know the surgeon. The places to avoid and carry the greatest risks are in lesser developed countries where regulations are looser.

Electing the right procedure can have great affects on the cost as well. Smaller, less invasive procedures tend to be cheaper. Although a treating a delicate area or special equipment could raise the cost so talk to a surgeon about your options. Sometimes a cheaper procedure can produce the same desired effects.

Planning the procedures can also help save a lot of money. This is actually tough for a lot of people because they do not know how they will age in the upcoming years and therefore cannot accurately plan for it. But in general, people will request particular procedures during particular age ranges. Planning for procedures that can be improved upon in the future is the long term way of managing plastic surgery costs.

The first step to any procedure is scheduling a consultation session with a board certified plastic surgeon. In fact, schedule consultation with multiple surgeons to get second and third opinions. Knowing as much as you can without bias is the safest and only way to truly get the most out of plastic surgery. - 30516

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The Risks of Tummy Tuck Surgery

By Wayne Fulton

The decision to have a tummy tuck must be made after a careful consideration of its risks, as any invasive cosmetic surgery has a potential for complications. An essential step in the process is to find a certified surgeon through the American Board or Plastic Surgery.

An expert surgeon will be more likely to provide you with the results you desire with minimal drawbacks; however, patients should still educate themselves on the reality of the procedure so that they know they are making the right decision.

A tummy tuck is performed under anesthesia and takes 2 to 4 hours on average. An incision is made across the lower abdomen, near the pubic bone. After loosening the skin of the torso up to the rib cage, the surgeon tightens the abdominal muscles through as series of carefully places sutures. In addition, fat can also be removed by liposuction. The skin around the navel is then readjusted and the surgeon closes the site.

Complications are a possibility with any invasive procedure, and a tummy tuck is no exception. Scarring can result from improper healing, and may require follow-up surgery. The re-draping of skin that takes place at the end of the procedure may create an abnormal appearance, which may improve on its own or require further treatment. The shape of the navel may also be distorted after the tummy tuck.

In addition to the cosmetic risks, there are other complications. Localized numbness may occur due to the manipulation of nerves during the tummy tuck. Infections and adverse reactions to anesthesia can also result from this invasive procedure. Blood clots, aspiration pneumonia, and reactions to medication are other potential complications.

During the consultation with your surgeon, they should explain all of these complications as well as the tactics they employ to minimize risk. If the surgeon makes light of possible consequences, that is more a sign of their attitude rather than their skill.

Ask your surgeon how they can prevent these complications. Basic techniques such as a commitment to a sterile operating room are important.

Because all patients heal at different rates, you and your doctor should also discuss your candidacy for the procedure so that you can anticipate a specific timeline for healing. If there is any preparation you can do to improve your chances of healing in a timely manner, make sure you follow their instructions religiously. You will get the best results and minimize your chances of risks following your tummy tuck by keeping these suggestions in mind. - 30516

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Picking a Tummy Tuck Surgeon

By James Mueller

If you want to firm up the muscles in your "middle," you might consider undergoing a tummy tuck. There are real benefits to letting a cosmetic surgeon rid your abdomen of any excess skin and fatty tissue.

Still, that surgical procedure has also been associated with certain risks. If you hope to avoid those risks, then you need to find a well trained surgeon. You should not make a hasty decision regarding the surgeon that will perform your planned abdominoplasty.

You ought to seek out a surgeon that has received at least five years of intense surgical training. A two year stretch within that five year period should have included well supervised work in the field of cosmetic surgery.

The surgeon that you choose should demonstrate a familiarity with all types of cosmetic procedures. He or she should know more than a passing amount about face, body and breast reconstructions.

Seek out instead a surgeon that makes an effort to keep up with latest innovations in patient safety. Be ready to assess any surgeon's knowledge of the latest medical standards in regards to operations that create a cosmetic change in the patient's body.

Do not allow your desire for a tummy tuck to diminish the importance of doing such a procedure in an accredited medical facility. Do not agree to work with a surgeon that refuses to behave in an ethical manner.

You can increase your chances for finding an ethical surgeon by selecting one that has received a certificate from a reputable medical board. If you are a resident of the United States, then your chosen surgeon should have a certificate from the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

If you are a Canadian resident, then you ought to find a surgeon that has received a certificate from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Such a surgeon can minimize the likelihood that you might suffer from any of the risks that have come to be associated with a tummy tuck. - 30516

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Houston Plastic Surgeons - Satisfaction Guaranteed

By Kalona Karrington

There is a growing number of the US populace that seeks body or facial perfection. A gym workout is becoming part of one's daily or weekly routine, diets are created and followed just to look better, which have a most definite outcome of feeling better. However, there seem to be imperfections that cannot be repaired by diets or workouts alone. There are also aspired figures or shapes that cannot be fully attained by just these same methods. That is the time when these people consider undergoing plastic surgery.

It is not easy to make a decision like that. A number of reasons, basically stemming from fear, have to be considered - fear of high fees, fear of social repercussions, fear of pain during and after the procedure, fear of poor results from a not-so-good surgeon. It is not easy to entrust one's body to a stranger's hands for cutting up and re-shaping or re-forming.

Houston is one of the country's top spots people go to for resolving accidental or birth disfigurements or simply for perfecting the look they were born with. Among the country's most experienced and innovative surgeons, after all, are Houston plastic surgeons. Furthermore, Houston plastic surgery centers and facilities, of which there are many, can give a wide selection of plastic surgeons to best suit your needs. Most importantly, Houston plastic surgeons are among America's highly-trained, well-recommended, well-experienced board certified surgeons. The state of Houston plastic surgery centers have put Houston in the country's list of top plastic surgery destinations.

The common surgical procedures performed by Houston plastic surgeons include abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), breast augmentation (breast enlargement), breast reduction, mastopexy (breast lift), breast reconstruction, body contouring, liposuction, arm lift, face lift,
blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), brow lift, rhinoplasty (nasal reshaping), nasal septal repair, botox, fotofacial, skin rejuvenation, octoplasty (ear reshaping).

Some Houston plastic surgery clinics or facilities focus on one or two areas of body or facial enhancement; others offer more options of specializations. Whatever plastic surgery operation you may want to be performed on you, you will not have difficulty in getting the services of a top Houston plastic surgeon. - 30516

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Why Have A Mini Gastric Bypass?

By Justin Curruthers

People who are overweight or obese and have tried many different methods in order to lose weight often turn to gastric bypass surgery. A new adaption of this style of surgery has been perfected recently and is known as the mini gastric bypass. This surgery is fast and effective and also allows for quick recovery time requiring only an overnight hospital stay.

There are several advantages to having a mini gastric bypass done. The operation is not very painful and it is also easy to have reversed. When the surgery is complete you develop a feeling of fullness much more quickly, which helps weight to drop off. It is considered a safe medical procedure and involves much less recovery time than a standard gastric bypass operation.

Cosmetic surgery procedures such as this are not generally covered by your health insurance and having the procedure done in the United States can be a very expensive process. Many people have to save their money or take out loans in order to have any kind of cosmetic surgery done in their own region.

In order to avoid astronomical surgery fees, many people are now opting to have their surgery done overseas. A very popular location for medical tourism, and in particular procedures such as the mini gastric bypass, is Cancun in Mexico. You can have highly trained and experienced surgeons do your surgery in other countries for a mere fraction of what you would pay in the United States without compromising the levels of health care that you receive.

Other countries where medical tourism is becoming popular include Brazil, Peru, Thailand and South Africa. In all these locations, cosmetic surgeons charge less for their services while retaining high medical standards. Many of them are even registered with US surgery boards and may have been trained in the United States.

Some of the reasons that surgery is cheaper in other countries are that surgeons, anesthetists and hospitals and clinics tend to charge less abroad. Surgeons' fees make up the bulk of the cost of surgical procedures, but insurance that the surgeon has to pay can be responsible for this too. Overseas the cost of insurance for doctors can be much lower than in the US where people are more likely to sue and drive up the general cost of medical insurance for doctors.

Cosmetic surgery is becoming more affordable for Americans thanks to medical tourism operations to other countries. There are several website based businesses that will organize everything for you from the doctor to the flights. This makes contemplating overseas surgery much more viable as they have contacts with the best doctors, clinics, nurses and other medical staff in these countries.

If you are unhappy with your weight and you have tried everything else to get you weight down without success, then having a mini gastric bypass could be a very good option. The surgery allows you to lose weight quickly and if you decide to have the surgery done in another country, then you can reduce the total price of the surgery substantially. Start your research today and you will be one step closer to a healthy and happy body and better confidence. - 30516

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Getting More Out Of Your Body

By Robert Smith

The special about Hollywood's technological view to beauty on the Discover Channel can be very unsettling. The host states that people in the city use the knife to get the beauty that they want. This fact has reached all celebrities from the super famous to ones that are not as well known. In order to maintain the best physical beauty for those who are in the limelight almost all of their days cosmetic surgery is a staple in their lives.

For those that believe in the Fountain of Youth this is a way to make that dream come true. On the other hand, there is no technology that can completely stop the aging process that is bound to set in on every person's body. You can have as many surgerys as you want as long as your body is still willing to accept what is being done to it.

There's also much more to beauty than just being young. There are so many people who want to be aesthetically pleasing. We're never happy with the way we look. We gaze in the mirror and look for the bad things before the good. With the help of cosmetic surgery, you can get whatever you want done with enough money. What does it cost to undergo cosmetic surgery? If you don't make a lot of money, you might not afford it. You might just decide to deal with your flaws.

If you're rich enough, you can pony up sufficient dough for these operations. That's why people in the entertainment industry have it done to them so many times; they have the money to put forth the expenses, and as long as they do, they'll keep having work done so they can stay young.

More women search for these procedures than men, however. Some of the surgeries that so many people want are liposuction, tummy tuck, breast jobs, facelifts, varicose surgery, nose lift, laser eye surgery, and rhinoplasty amoung many others. One thing that has become much more popular is sex changes. - 30516

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Assembling the Perfect Nails Kit

By Andy Jenkins

It is a rather simple endeavor if you wish to make a nails kit from scratch but if you choose to do so you can easily purchase one from the local store. It is important that you become completely sure that the tools you will be including in your kit are both of good quality and will regularly undergo a cleaning regimen. Make a list of the things you will be including in your kit from nailbrushes, clippers, to buffers and if you have the budget try getting two of each item.

It is quite important that you maintain the cleanliness of these tools once you have them in storage so as not to compromise your health in any way. You might ask what the big deal is with making sure that your nails kit is sterile; well, people often ignore the fact that a lot of germs can enter the body as easily as having an accidental cut or wound from these tools when you do your nails. It is better to always be at the safe and worry free end of things than not; do not worry as keeping you nails kit clean will be an easy responsibility to keep.

The first item you should have on your list is a quality cuticle pusher and it is wise to obtain one which is not made out of metal as these can be very dangerous to use. Go for the alternative which is gentler yet similarly as effective which is the cuticle pusher made out of birch wood sticks; these reduce the possibility of infections that a metal one can surely cause. Work carefully when you use a cuticle pusher making sure that you do not go to far back making the cuticle disappear into the nail fold; you should also not and remove the cuticle outright; you simply want to remove any bit if skin that has crept into the nail plate.

Even if the major purpose for a nails kit is to keep clean fingernails, some like placing polish and polish remover in their kits as well. This may be a shock for some but the ingredients nail polishes consist of are the same ingredients used for car paint! Now that you know this information, be mindful of your use of these substances as they can cause damage to the nails in more ways than one as they make use of very strong ingredients.

A nailbrush is a great thing to include in your nails kit as nailbrushes can remove dirt away from the nails as well as clean off oily residues from lotions and the like; these can also be utilized to nudge back cuticles with very little effort. Obtaining a nailbrush does not need to incur large costs for these can be attained easily and inexpensively; the thing you want to look out for though is obtaining a nailbrush you can hold comfortably in your hand and one which has flexible plastic bristles or natural boar bristles. When choosing a nailbrush for your nails kit, remember that having the brush too soft does not create any resistance to clean your fingernails and having one with bristles that are too stiff can cause damage to the skin around your nails.

You can include a buffer block or stick in your nails kit; these usually have ends with different buffering capabilities; one end may be finer then the other producing different finishes. You can choose from buffer boards made out of materials such as leather, sandpaper that has a fine grain, chamois, rubber, and fiberglass. Buffers may be an optional addition to your kit as these are not usually considered to be important components of nail care but when used well these buffers can deliver a good nail finish for the hands and toes.

Some negative attributes to buffers is that regular use results to the thinning of the nail plates making them grow weak and sensitive over time. On the good end, buffering makes for a good finish to nail treatments giving your nails a pinkish glow; this translucent effect on the nails is due to the heat and friction produced when buffers are used. You can decide on whether or not to choose to use the buffer; if you do decide to go with it, just make sure not to overdo the buffering and make use of the gentle varieties of the product.

The final thing to include in your nails kit is a reliable pair of nail clippers and a nail file for shortening nails; get a pair of good quality clippers that can last from six months to two years. Maintain the sharpness of your nail clippers to ensure a perfect cut for your nails every single time; finish everything with a nail file. It is easy to acquire a customized nails kit as long as you gather the items well enough to attain ones of good quality; the same goes for the company who made them; they should be a reputable company as well. - 30516

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Blepharoplasty Facial Surgery

By Lee Lipton

Sometimes it is the smallest cosmetic enhancements that make the biggest impact on a patient's happiness and self image. A common facial plastic surgery procedure is blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery. It is often used to treat baggy skin under the eyes as well as improve the fold on the upper eyelid.

This is a very popular procedure among the Asian community for the upper eyelid. It can create a more defined fold in the upper eyelid giving patients a more refined look. The procedure is also popular in conjunction with other facial cosmetic procedures such as a brow lift or face lift.

Since it is typically a small procedure the surgery usually only requires local anesthesia although some cases may involve general anesthesia. The surgery itself could take as much as three hours and the patient is usually ready to go home in a matter of hours after that. During the surgery the skin is cut and fatty tissue is removed.

There will be some slight discomfort expected after the surgery and the anesthesia wears off. The doctor could prescribe some medication to help deal with any pain or discomfort. There will also be antibiotic medication to fight infection along with care instructions after the surgery.

Common side effects are mild and temporary such as itchy eyes, dry eyes, tearing, or burning eyes. In these cases, lubricant drops can help relieve the problems. Some patients might experience blurred vision or double vision as well as light sensitivity. These should wear off as the eyes heal.

More serious complications include infection or allergic reactions to the anesthesia. By choosing a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, the risk of any surgery can be reduced. Most complications can be minimized or prevented by a surgeon who exercises proper procedural care. - 30516

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